Streamline your media buying operations!
Don't struggle with spreadsheets, home-grown programs, or databases that are not customized for the needs of your business.
Leading media and marketing companies rely on the CATALYST Air Date Management System to manage their spot and long form airings, pay stations, bill clients, track responses and profitability, and manage videotapes.
The CATALYST Air Date Management System has always been the system of choice for media buyers. It allows you to pay and bill for your airings, printing checks and invoices without the need of a messy export to another accounting system. Because the check and invoice printing are built into CATALYST, any adjustment is automatically captured and applied to subsequent checks and invoices as appropriate without any need to enter them into another accounting system.
The CATALYST Short Form Module is now easier than ever to use! You told us, and we listened. It's easier to set up campaigns and contracts. It's easier to look up information. It's easier to reconcile invoices. And, CATALYST has powerful tools to automatically show you similar previously entered spot airings so that you won't enter spots twice. You can also download airings from spot monitoring services and have CATALYST reconcile them for you automatically!
CATALYST also handles Tape Trafficking, keeping track of which tapes are at which stations, including due date, date shipped, shipping ID, etc.
The CATALYST Autosourcing Module accepts downloads of orders from telemarketing companies and automatically matches them to your airings.
The CATALYST Custom Report Writer allows you to easily report on, or export data from, every data file in the system.